Welcome! Ever wondered why cats purr? Discover the science behind this soothing sound and its various meanings.
By Paws Pixel Art
Cats purr when they’re happy and content. It’s a sign they feel safe and relaxed, often heard during cuddles.
Purring is a way for cats to communicate with their owners and other cats, expressing different needs and emotions.
The frequency of a cat’s purr can promote healing. Purring helps reduce pain and inflammation, and even aids bone repair.
Cats also purr to calm themselves. In stressful situations, purring acts as a self-soothing mechanism.
Mother cats purr to communicate with their kittens, providing comfort and guiding them, especially when they are born blind.
Sometimes, cats purr to get your attention, signaling they want food, petting, or simply to be near you.
Cats may purr when they are in pain or feeling ill. It’s a way to self-soothe and can indicate they need help.
Each cat's purr is unique, with frequencies between 25 to 150 Hertz. These frequencies can stimulate healing and growth.
Purring is a multifaceted behavior with fascinating scientific backing. Next time your cat purrs, you’ll know there’s more to it than meets the ear!